Sponsored Research

Introduction How to Apply Guidelines Rules & Procedures Projects Ongoing       Completed   Research Areas Downloads Manual                     Pdf    Word Form A                     Pdf    Word Form B                     Pdf    Word Form C                     Pdf    Word Proposal Format       Pdf    Word Fund Utilisation Certificate Pdf    Word Format-Final Report Pdf    Word Format for Fund Transfer Project Pdf    Word Grant-in-Aid Bill         Pdf    Word


       The institutions proposing a project for support are expected to commit the use of the existing infrastructure available with them. ISRO provides financial grants to support fellowship, materials, consumables, internal travel, testing charges, data etc. The fund for purchase of only essential minor equipments which are not available in the institution and would be useful for future projects will also be provided. There is no provision for any kind of payment to the Principal Investigator (or other staff) belonging to the Institution. The allocated funds cannot be used for travel abroad for any reasons.

       Guidelines governing the allocation of funds by ISRO are set out below. These may change from time to time.

  • Grants for the purchase of equipment may be provided for the investigation. The equipment must be of a specialized nature, required exclusively for the project and is either not available at, or cannot be spared from, parent Institution for the project. Such equipment should be useful for new projects to be taken up in future. In this category, PC / Computer means desktop computer only.

  • Appointment of approved Research Fellows to support PI in the project activities can be made by the Academic / Research Institution for the approved project. The services of supporting staff like administrative personnel, support technical staff, technicians & technical assistants, surveyor, data entry operators etc., will have to be exclusively sourced by the academic or research institution under taking the project and funds sanctioned under the project should not be diverted for the purpose. However, at the closure of the project, ISRO cannot assume any responsibility of providing continuity in employment either in the same or new project for the project staff. Such project staff who will have no claim whatsoever for recruitment in ISRO on any post.

  • The selection and appointment of the above project staff is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator as per the rules in vogue in respective / academic research institutions. These should be made according to the normal selection procedures of the university or institution submitting the research proposal. The qualification / experience required and the salary offered shall be as per ISRO norms and the selection should have the approval of the head of the institution according to the rules followed in the respective Institution.

  • The research personnel who are associated with the project may be awarded ISRO's research Fellowships according to guidelines laid down by ISRO for this purpose. Details on the award of Research personnel are given in "Rules & Procedures".

  • Purchase of books and scientific literature, which are essential for the investigation, and are not available in the concerned academic / research Institution. Subscription for Journals is normally not permitted and expenditure towards Journals cannot be charged to project. In the event of a particular Journal, which is not available in the academic / research, institution and which is very important and relevant to the investigation may be procured on single copy basis or Photostat copies only on prior approval of ISRO. Subscription to journals on a regular basis cannot be covered by these.

  • Special consumable materials essential to the project.

  • Computer time, observatory time and other services.

  • Travel within India, in connection with the project or for attending seminars and symposia of relevance to the subject of the investigation.

  • Miscellaneous expenses (contingency) such as typing charges, stationery, postage, etc.

  • All requirements of foreign exchange for the purchase of equipment and / or consumables should be clearly identified and mentioned in the budget. The Academic Institution / Research Institution shall arrange to provide the required foreign exchange to the project and ISRO will provide equivalent money in Indian Rupees.

  • No funds are available for international travel either partly or fully, for personnel connected with the project.

  • ISRO does not provide funds in the project for printing any material in connection with the project.

  • ISRO does not grant any funds for buildings and civil works for housing any equipment or personnel. However, charges for equipment installation can be provided only on specific approvals.

  • All travel in connection with the project should be approved by the Principal Investigator according to the TA / DA rules of the concerned Institution. The mode of Journey including air-travel may also be approved by him so that the implementation of the project takes place in time subject to the condition that the institution has no objection to such an arrangement and that the travel expenses are contained within the budgetary provisions for the project approved by ISRO.

  • The funds will be sanctioned under different specific heads and will normally be released by ISRO once in every year. Reappropriation of funds among different approved heads is not permissible.

  • If the total grant released to an Institution is not fully spent, the unspent balance will be deducted out of the approved budget earmarked for next immediate release.

  • Any unspent grant at the end of the project will have to be returned to Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Space, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL road, Bengaluru - 560 231.