List of Completed RESPOND / STC projects from 2005 to April 2016
Sl. No.
Name of PI / University / Institution
List of RESPOND Projects Completed as on
April 2016
1. | Experimental investigation of SMA actuated Flexible Structure under piece wise output feedback control. | Prof. Dhanalekshmi NIT
(Trichy) |
2. | Experimental investigation of SMA actuated Flexible Structure under piece wise output feedback control. | Prof. Dhanalekshmi NIT
(Trichy) |
3. | Uncertainty Analysis of Chain error in instrumentation systems. | Smt. B Vasuki NIT (Trichy) |
4. | Spray formation with a generic pressure swirl atomizer for air breathing and cryogenic propulsion system. | Dr. A Mukhopadhyay,
Jadhavpur University |
5. | Nucleate Flow Boiling Studies. | Dr. AK Rajavanshi MNIT
(Jaipur) |
6. | Synthesis & characterization of Lead Zirconate (PZT) Polymer composite for high range pressure sensor and accelerometer applications. | Dr.S. Jayakumar, PSG Tech Coimbatore |
7. | Design, development & realization of ultra high temperature sensor to measure very high process temperatures in application like electron beam welding, vacuum brazing and annealing of metallic components. | Dr.M. Ghana Shaym Krishna, University of Hyderabad |
8. | Mathematical modelling & computer simulation to predict friction & wear performance of solid lubricant coatings and self lubricating materials used in space tribological applications. | Dr.S R Shanakpal, MS Ramaiah School of advanced studies, Bengaluru, Dr. B. Subramaniam, Shri S V Harish |
9. | MEMS Based level sensor. | Dr. Pamidigandham BMBJ
College, Bengaluru |
10. | Spray formation with a generic pressure swirl atomizer for air breathing and cryogenic propulsion system. | Dr. A Mukhopadhyay,
Jadhavpur University |
11. | MEMS Based Micro-Propulsion Devices (MEMS based Micro Thruster, Micro Valve & Micro Pump) for Micro satellite programme. | Prof.TK Bhattacharya, IIT
(kharagpur) |
12. | CFD analysis of ejector diffuser systems used for testing of rocket engines in low pressure environment. | Dr. RC Mehta, Noorul Islam
University |
13. | Micro Resonating Beam Differential Pressure Transducers-Simulation and Electronics Interface Design. | Dr. M Umapathy NIT(Trichy) |
14. | Condition monitoring & health assessment system for turbo pump bearings. | Dr. Ashish Dapre,
IIT-Delhi |
List of STC (Space Technology Cell)
Projects Completed as on April 2016
1. | De-stratification of cryogenic fuels in insulated storage containers using power ultrasound. | Prof. R Nagarajan
IIT(Madras) |
2. | Hardware-in-loop design, fabrication and testing of Real – time closed- loop Micro pump. | Prof. YG Srinivasa IIT(Madras) |
3. | Development of Hydrostatic journal bearings for cryogenic rocket engine turbo pumps. | Prof. TK Nandi IIT (Kharagpur) |
4. | Safe design & operation of Liquid & Gaseous Oxygen Systems. | Dr. K Chowdhari IIT (Kharagpur) |
5. | Numerical Studies of Coke Deposition in Regeneratively cooled engines. | Dr. K Amit Kumar IIT (Madras) |
6. | Development of Proportional Solenoid Valve. | Dr. T Ashokan IIT (Madras) |
7. | Online Weld defect characterization using thermal imaging techniques. | Dr.K Balasubramaniam IIT (Madras) |
8. | MEMS based Micro Valves. | Prof. Singaperumal Dr.AmitavaDasgupta Dr. Nandita Dasputa IIT (Madras) |
9. | Nano Heat Transfer Studies. | Dr. U V Bhandarkar IIT (Bombay) |
10. | Nano Fluid based Coolant & Combustion Systems. | Prof. I Manna IIT (Kharagpur) |
11. | Identification & Control of combustion instability in bluff body stabilized diffusion flames. | Dr.AKushari, IIT (Kanpur) |
12. | Study of spray combustion in a swirl stabilized dump combustor. | Dr.AKushari, IIT (Kanpur) |
13. | Design & development of 2 DOF Slosh Test Rig for launch vehicle. | Prof. P S Gandhi, IIT (Bombay) |
14. | Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Inside Narrow Tubes. | Prof. AR Balakrishnan, IIT
Chennai |
15. | Development of an inspection technique for Welded Titanium Ally Pressure Vessel Shells. | Prof. Krishna
Balsubramaniam, IIT, Chennai |
16. | Development of MEMS based vaporizing Liquid Microthruster for Space application. | Dr. S Das, IIT Kharagpur |
17. | Atomization of swirling Co-annular liquids sheet by a Central gaseous jet. | Dr. D Sivakumar Dr. Charlie Oommen, AE, IISc |
18. | Study of fracture behaviour in Titanium alloy under ambient and corrosive environment using acoustic emission technique. | Dr. MR Bhat, prof. CRL Murthy AE, IISc |
19. | Study of Thermal Stratification in C25 Stage Liquid Hydrogen Propellant Tanks. | Dr. GSVL Narasimbam, Prof. Subhash Jacob Dr. R Karunanithi (CCT) IISc |
20. | Study on optimization of Friction Stir Weld parameters for welding alloys (AA 2219). | IISc, Bengaluru |
21. | Development of Prototype Magneto Plasma Dynamic (MPD) thruster. | Prof. T S Sheshadri IISc,
Bengaluru |
22. | Development and Characterization of Composite Coating based on Nano-porous Aluminum Alloy Surfaces. | Prof. MS Bobji,
IISc-Bengaluru |