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List of Completed RESPOND / STC projects from 2005 to April 2016

Sl. No.
Name of PI / University / Institution
List of RESPOND Projects Completed as on April 2016
1. Experimental investigation of SMA actuated Flexible Structure under piece wise output feedback control. Prof. Dhanalekshmi NIT (Trichy)
2. Experimental investigation of SMA actuated Flexible Structure under piece wise output feedback control. Prof. Dhanalekshmi NIT (Trichy)
3. Uncertainty Analysis of Chain error in instrumentation systems. Smt. B Vasuki
NIT (Trichy)
4. Spray formation with a generic pressure swirl atomizer for air breathing and cryogenic propulsion system. Dr. A Mukhopadhyay, Jadhavpur University
5. Nucleate Flow Boiling Studies. Dr. AK Rajavanshi MNIT (Jaipur)
6. Synthesis & characterization of Lead Zirconate (PZT) Polymer composite for high range pressure sensor and accelerometer applications. Dr.S. Jayakumar,
PSG Tech Coimbatore
7. Design, development & realization of ultra high temperature sensor to measure very high process temperatures in application like electron beam welding, vacuum brazing and annealing of metallic components. Dr.M. Ghana Shaym Krishna,
University of Hyderabad
8. Mathematical modelling & computer simulation to predict friction & wear performance of solid lubricant coatings and self lubricating materials used in space tribological applications. Dr.S R Shanakpal,
MS Ramaiah School of advanced studies, Bengaluru,
Dr. B. Subramaniam,
Shri S V Harish
9. MEMS Based level sensor. Dr. Pamidigandham BMBJ College, Bengaluru
10. Spray formation with a generic pressure swirl atomizer for air breathing and cryogenic propulsion system. Dr. A Mukhopadhyay, Jadhavpur University
11. MEMS Based Micro-Propulsion Devices (MEMS based Micro Thruster, Micro Valve & Micro Pump) for Micro satellite programme. Prof.TK Bhattacharya, IIT (kharagpur)
12. CFD analysis of ejector diffuser systems used for testing of rocket engines in low pressure environment. Dr. RC Mehta, Noorul Islam University
13. Micro Resonating Beam Differential Pressure Transducers-Simulation and Electronics Interface Design. Dr. M Umapathy NIT(Trichy)
14. Condition monitoring & health assessment system for turbo pump bearings. Dr. Ashish Dapre,
List of STC (Space Technology Cell) Projects Completed as on April 2016
1. De-stratification of cryogenic fuels in insulated storage containers using power ultrasound. Prof. R Nagarajan IIT(Madras)
2. Hardware-in-loop design, fabrication and testing of Real – time closed- loop Micro pump. Prof. YG Srinivasa IIT(Madras)
3. Development of Hydrostatic journal bearings for cryogenic rocket engine turbo pumps. Prof. TK Nandi
IIT (Kharagpur)
4. Safe design & operation of Liquid & Gaseous Oxygen Systems. Dr. K Chowdhari
IIT (Kharagpur)
5. Numerical Studies of Coke Deposition in Regeneratively cooled engines. Dr. K Amit Kumar
IIT (Madras)
6. Development of Proportional Solenoid Valve. Dr. T Ashokan
IIT (Madras)
7. Online Weld defect characterization using thermal imaging techniques. Dr.K Balasubramaniam
IIT (Madras)
8. MEMS based Micro Valves. Prof. Singaperumal
Dr. Nandita Dasputa IIT (Madras)
9. Nano Heat Transfer Studies. Dr. U V Bhandarkar
IIT (Bombay)
10. Nano Fluid based Coolant & Combustion Systems. Prof. I Manna
IIT (Kharagpur)
11. Identification & Control of combustion instability in bluff body stabilized diffusion flames. Dr.AKushari,
IIT (Kanpur)
12. Study of spray combustion in a swirl stabilized dump combustor. Dr.AKushari,
IIT (Kanpur)
13. Design & development of 2 DOF Slosh Test Rig for launch vehicle. Prof. P S Gandhi,
IIT (Bombay)
14. Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Inside Narrow Tubes. Prof. AR Balakrishnan, IIT Chennai
15. Development of an inspection technique for Welded Titanium Ally Pressure Vessel Shells. Prof. Krishna Balsubramaniam,
IIT, Chennai
16. Development of MEMS based vaporizing Liquid Microthruster for Space application. Dr. S Das,
IIT Kharagpur
17. Atomization of swirling Co-annular liquids sheet by a Central gaseous jet. Dr. D Sivakumar
Dr. Charlie Oommen, AE,
18. Study of fracture behaviour in Titanium alloy under ambient and corrosive environment using acoustic emission technique. Dr. MR Bhat,
prof. CRL Murthy AE, IISc
19. Study of Thermal Stratification in C25 Stage Liquid Hydrogen Propellant Tanks. Dr. GSVL Narasimbam,
Prof. Subhash Jacob
Dr. R Karunanithi (CCT) IISc
20. Study on optimization of Friction Stir Weld parameters for welding alloys (AA 2219). IISc, Bengaluru
21. Development of Prototype Magneto Plasma Dynamic (MPD) thruster. Prof. T S Sheshadri IISc, Bengaluru
22. Development and Characterization of Composite Coating based on Nano-porous Aluminum Alloy Surfaces. Prof. MS Bobji,